My pre-match jitters were intensified by being forced to watch the match on TiVo alone in the evening after multiple client meetings today.
There’s something incredibly strange about going into “media blackout” mode in the States and actually avoiding such a massive result. There’s no checking e-mail or the cell phone. It’s straight home, grab some dinner, and game on. Such is the life where Champions League matches kickoff midday.
Final: FC Porto 0 – 1 Manchester United.
What an audacious SCORCHER! We’re through to the Semis for the third year running!! And, as if it couldn’t get better, Mr. “bulge in the old onion bag” appears headed for retirement or the sack (http://www.guardian.co.uk/sport/blog/2009/apr/15/tommy-smyth-us-soccer-espn). Ding, dong the SmYth is dead. Quick, better play the PowerBall while the mojo's still hot.
Three things stood out from the match.
First, and yes, the goal will be played over and over on TVs and YouTube throughout the world for the days and weeks to come. Ronnie thinks it’s his best goal, and who could argue with him, as it’s a well-worthy match-winner. And did you see the ESPN feed panning the United supporters after the replay of Ronnie’s Wondergoal?! One supporter looked hilarious, as the camera caught him just as the goal was scored and you could just see the shocked, “pinch-me-I’m dreaming” expression change to utter-and-uncontrolled joy. What a fantastic reaction-shot. Hopefully someone uploads it – hint, hint – to YouTube that’s got the time.
Second, welcome back, Rio. Welcome back, welcome back, welcome back. If we just erase the past five games, this is the Ferdinand-Vidic partnership of old. How long did you think the Keystone Cops would inhabit our beloved backline?! The shaky defense streak ends, much like the clean sheet record and United becoming the first English team to win at the Estadio do Dragao. Halleluiah.
Third, the Christmas freakin’ tree formation actually worked! Okay, okay, it was more of a 4-2-3-1, but it did close down Porto’s attacking avenues. The formation worked largely because of the discipline of the midfield, especially Mr. Rooney, who wins my “marvelously-composed” performer of the match. Ah, the ever-emotional Wazza. You still saw his disappointment with missed crosses or lost possession, but you never thought he was anywhere near the boil tonight. Likewise, all players seemed to make an positive effort toward each other with their body language tonight, without the petulance, as Fergie’s recent pokes at players paid dividends.
We’ll keep the red flag flying high, ‘coz we’re home and dry and Man United will never die.
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